Welcome to our FAQ Page

Got a question? Don’t worry, we’ve answered some Frequently Asked Questions below so you don’t have to ask us and wait for a response! but if you still can’t find the answer you are looking for then contact us and we will do our best to answer all your questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place an order with you?

You can use the contact us page to send us a message with your questions, or use the form below to request a free quote.

How long does it takes before I get a respond regarding my quote?

We usually respond within 24 to 48 hours unless your request was missing some important information. If that’s the case then we will contact you to clarify the missing information.

What is my shipping options?

We ship our products in so many different ways :

  • Ex Works (EXW)
  • FOB
  • Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF)
  • Cost and freight (CF)

How big is the shipping containers?

We ship in 20 Ft and 40 Ft containers depending on the agreement between you and us, and or the size of the load.

How many Boxes can fit in a container?

All our products come in different sizes and shapes because of this the number of boxes in a container will change. 

Do you provide all required shipping documents?

Yes, we do provide all required shipping documents.